“Some say that it is lack of imagination which makes men and women brutes. May it not be power of imagination? The interest of torturing is lessened, is almost lost, if we can not be the tortured as well as the torturer.”
― Robert Smythe Hichens,
The Return of the Soul and Other Stories

Weird yet wonderfully elegant botanical, zoological and entomological patterns decorate 100% silk crêpe de chine scarves. Evocative of king-sized vintage silk carrés, The Lotos Eaters Silk Scarves give that touch of old worldly luxury with an other worldly feel.

The Lotos Eaters live in a world of romantic vision and aesthetic reverie. Immersed in a place where reality is subtly altered, they exist in a state of languorous forgetfulness induced by eating the fruit of the enchanted lotos.
Theirs is a peculiar kind of reality aware of the strangeness of time. Days are spent indulging in pleasure and luxury, leading a life of dreamy, indolent ease and indifference to this busy world. For they know that reality is a flexible, even imaginary idea, wholly dependent on perspective.
Mythical with a modern twist, each scarf tells a a story, is a different trip, an altered state. Enjoy the new, slightly twisted reality that the Lotos produces.